Good evening! In the spirit of actually getting this posted before the weekend which is ideally when I'd like to get these up gonna keep it brief. If you have any questions or if it's been a minute and you just wanna say what's up email me at [email protected]! I'd love to hear from you! SKATEYOGI Classes! Both kids classes filled up last week. Thanks to everyone that came out to shred. Sorry if you tried but couldn't get a spot... There's still plenty of spots for this weekend's classes but please sign up soon. To accommodate more students I've brought back the 9:30am Rise and Grind outdoor class now on Saturdays at Thomas Greene Playground (3rd Ave between Douglass and Degraw). Sign ups for all the classes here! Video of the Week: Jake Johnson's Mindfield part I dont lurk the skate internets too much but I do make make a pretty regular stop over at quartersnacks. Their monday links are always on point and this week they pointed me in the direction of two pieces of skate writing that really dug deep. One being an interview with Jake Johnson that's got a lot of good insight on the current state of skateboarding. Check it out and watch his Alien Workshop Mindfield part below (video's ok for the kiddies :) Namaskate! Kevin Upcoming Classes: Sat 10/4 Rise and Grind Class 9:30am-10:30am (at Thomas Greene Playground, 3rd ave and Douglass) Sat 10/4 Adult Beginners 11:00am-noon (at Skate Brooklyn) Sun 10/5 Kids Groms Class 11:00am-noon (at Skate Brooklyn) Sun 10/5 Kids Shredders Class 12:30pm-1:30pm (at Skate Brooklyn)
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